League of Fat Bastards

Our Impact on mental health

At League of Fat Bastards (LOFB) we exist to make a positive global impact on men’s mental health .

We do this through challenging the norms, not being afraid to be “out-there” (but always respectful) and smashing social stigma, in combination with our 40% Giveback Promise .

LOFB disrupts traditionally-branded, sought-after, niche, global consumer goods through launching competitive quality products with edgy, spicy, on-mission branding to create cut-through. We curate ‘Only in LOFB’ experiential events and also provide practical online resources for our global League members in need.

At a time where the pressures and chaos of modern life often leave little room for open discussion about mental health, LOFB is committed to changing the narrative around that vital issue. 

Our efforts are focused on raising awareness and providing tangible support to men’s health initiatives, creating a space for vulnerability and connection within our League members’ lives.

Our Commitment & Transparency

We GiveBack 40% of our net profits, on a quarterly basis, from all cigar, merchandise and event ticket purchases to carefully vetted men’s mental health initiatives, NGOs and charities.

Each Quarter, we will post on our website for the world to see, the following key financial metrics for our company:

Gross Sales

Gross Profit

Net Profit Before Tax

from which the 40% GiveBack will be determined.

We will also keep those organizations, NGOs and charities that we contribute to accountable  – we want to show the world , via our website, where the $’s are going and the social proof of the impact we are making. 

Our 40% GiveBack Big Hairy Goal

As we progress and innovate, our determination is to make significant real world contributions to men’s mental well-being globally, with a focused goal of donating $1 million annually to impactful initiatives.

Who We Support

League of Fat Bastards seeks to partner with charities and initiatives who share our same passion for making real, tangible and authentic difference in breaking down the stigma around men’s mental health and who are taking actionable steps in providing support to men experiencing mental health challenges.

If you are an NGO, organization or charity with a focus on meeting the challenges of and providing support to those men dealing with mental health matters we are interested in partnering with you!

Giving Back
to Those Who Give

League of Fat Bastards is also determined to become the chosen  cigar of a number of Firefighter and Police departments, Veteran Support Groups & Military and EMS organizations.

We’re all about giving back to those who give to us, so we regularly partner with and support first-responders and vets through sponsorship of events, donations of cigars and doing our part in spreading awareness of first responder mental health.

If you fit into one of these categories and want to discuss how we can work together and help support your own organization’s members.